Nick Christopher shares what is on the NO list when applying for a mortgage

January 31, 2024

Be familiar with the NO 🚫 LIST when applying for a mortgage πŸ’Έ … and that includes not applying for a Target credit card πŸ’³πŸ˜‰ . If you’re thinking about buying or selling a home, we would be happy to guide you every step away!❗️ Simply DM, call, text or email and let’s get started! ☎️ 609-201-2018 ext 1004 πŸ“± 856-364-3518 πŸ“§ πŸ›œ . #ChristopherPropertyGroup #nicksoldmynjhouse #christopherpropertygroup #remax #remaxcommunityNJ #toprealtor #sjrealestate #njrealtor #listingagent #buyersagent #investorsagent